There is a list of cemeteries in Fermanagh at Of all of the cemeteries listed, I only found Cathcarts at Carne Cemetery.
That particular site is full of information and I found the following to be very interesting. It places some Cathcarts in Enniskillen whom I recognize from my other research. They are Allan, Hugh, James, and Malcome Cathcart; as well as Gustavus Hamilton, who married Jane Cathcart on January 13, 1721 or 1722 in Enniskillen; and Robert Johnston, who may be the same Robert Johnston who married Jean Cathcart on January 20, 1710 in Enniskillen. Michael Foster is not listed below, but you may find it helpful to know that a man by that name married a Jean Cathcart in Enniskillen on January 29, 1710.
To their most Excellent Majesties King William and Queen Mary The humble Address of the Governor, Officers, Clergy, and other inhabitants of your Majesties’ Town of Enniskillen, in your Majesties Kingdom of Ireland. We your Majesties’ most faithful and most loyal subjects do in the first place offer up unto Almighty God our most humble thanks for the deliverance vouchsafed us from our merciless and bloody enemies; and next unto your most sacred Majesties for your gracious care taken of us, and in sending Major-General Kirk to the relief of the poor handful of your Majesties Protestant subjects left in this place and Derry (whose miraculous holding out, under God, has been the preservation of the Protestant interest in this Kingdom), and for those worthy officers sent to this place by him; among which the honourable Colonel Willaim Wolseley, our Commander-in-Chief, under whose great and happy conduct God has been pleased to bless us with the most sacred Majesties on the eleventh day of March last, so we shall persevere in the same dutiful allegiance to our lives’ end, ever imploring the Divine Majesty to continue your prosperous reign, long and long over us, most humbly begging your most sacred Majesites favourably to accept this Address of your most humble and sincere obedience, which we shall ever be ready to make both good with our hearts and hands.
Alexander Acheson | Francis Aldrich | Daniel Armstrong |
John Armstrong | Martin Armstrong | Thomas Armstrong |
John Ballard | Claudius Bealy | Ambrose Bedel |
William Birney | Hugh Blair | William Blashford |
James Browning | John Browning | William Browning |
Marcus Buchanan | Theodore Bury | James Campbell |
William Campbell | Christopher Carleton | George Cashell |
Allan Cathcart | Hugh Cathcart | James Cathcart |
Malcome Cathcart | William Charleton | Robert Clark |
Isaac Collyer | George Cooper | George Corry |
Hugh Corry | James Corry | John Corry |
Arnold Cosbye | Edward Cosbye | Lawrence Crow |
John Crozier | Edward Davenport | Thomas Davenport |
John Dean | Paul Dean(Provost) | James Delap |
James Devitt | Edward Dixy | Cor. Donellan |
George Drury | Robert Drury | Au. Ellis |
Edward Ellis | Francis Ellis | Francis Ellis |
Hercules Ellis | James Ewart | Francis Folliott |
Samuel Forth | Daniel French | John Frisell |
William Frith | All. Fulton | John Fulton |
Hugh Galbraith | John Galbraith | Bar. Gibson |
Francis Graham | James Graham | William Gore |
Edward Gubbin | John Hale | Andrew Hamilton |
Gustavus Hamilton(Governor) | George Hammersley | George Hart |
Morgan Hart | Thomas Hart | Jason Hazard |
Daniel Hodson | Povey Hookes | Henry Howel |
H. Hughes | Thomas Hughes | William Jivine |
Henry Johnston | James Johnston(2) | Robert Johnston(2) |
Thomas Johnston | William Johnston | Charles King |
F. King | James King | John King |
William Kittle | Thomas Leturvel | Matthew Lindsay |
Thomas Lloyd | John Lowder | James Lucy |
Robert McConnell | William McCormick | Charles McFayden |
James Matthews(2) | James Mitchell | Andrew Montgomery |
Hugh Montgomery | Robert Moor | Toby Mulloy |
John Neper | Richard Newstead | Thomas Osborne |
William Parsons | John Price | John Rider |
John Roberts | James Robison | Robert Robison |
Thomas Roscrow | William Ross | George Russell |
Ninian Scot | Thomas Scot | John Sherriffe |
Thomas Shore | Ichabod Skelson | William Slack |
Henry Smith | W. Smith | Aylet Sommes |
Robert Starling | Robert Stevenson | Richard Taylor |
Robert Vaughan | Robert Ward | George Watson |
Matthew Webster | Robert Wear | Thomas White |
Roger Wilton | William Wiseheart | Edward Wood |
John Woodward | Matthew Young(2) | Thomas Young |
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